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Marketing Mix | How To Diversify Your Marketing To Reach Millions

Marketing Mix | How To Diversify Your Marketing To Reach Millions

I’m here to define marketing mix and explain how you can create the bridge between the two. For those who dream of a lifestyle-friendly business and complete financial and personal freedom, creating a marketing mix is the best way to get clients. It allows you to maximize the benefits of the best things both worlds can offer. These include attracting high-quality clients and building different sales funnels for your business.

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Marketing Mix Definition

Marketing Mix Definition | Marketing Mix | How To Diversify Your Marketing To Reach Millions

What is marketing mix? It’s combining both offline and online advertising strategies to drive quality and high-paying clients to your sales funnels.

I think one of the biggest mistakes business owners, lifestyle practitioners, coaches, and speakers can do is to choose one over the other, especially for the wrong reasons. It seems people tend to practice what I call “I hope marketing.” It’s when they think by doing what others are doing, clients will come to them easily. They also use online marketing strategies because they’re afraid of face-to-face sales.

Let me say it once and for call: customers don’t fall from the sky. Many of them don’t just stumble into your business and realize it’s what they need. You have to bring yourself out there, let them know you exist and tell them you have an awesome program or service that can help them.

Second, you don’t need to let go of certain marketing strategies to prefer another if they’re working. Let’s say you’re doing offline networking to encourage your leads to attend your live events. You shouldn’t stop this if it’s helping you meet your objective for the simple reason others are already doing online marketing. As I’ve said, you can always do both.

Combine Offline and Online Marketing with These Ideas

Hopefully, with my explanation above, you’ll learn that marketing mix isn’t only possible but also ideal. At this point, let me walk you through some ideas, so you can finally link these two types of advertising strategies.

1. Have a Solid Program to Sell

It doesn’t matter how amazing your offline or online marketing strategies are: if you don’t know what you’re selling, you’re not going anywhere. It determines everything you need to do to reach your objective through advertising.

2. Pick a Price Point

Price does matter in the beginning. If you’re selling something expensive and they don’t know you, they always have that sense of doubt whether your program or service is valuable.

When it comes to the marketing mix and its relation to price, what I normally do is I use my elevation model. It means I start with low-tier offers first. Then as they get deeper into my sales funnel, I introduce my high-tier products and services.

The good thing about this is you can make a sale from the get-go. Usually, with online marketing, I start with products first. But, selling products alone cannot give me the revenues I am looking for. Imagine this: a product may be about $1,000. If your goal is to make $55,000 a month, then you need to sell 55 of it on a regular basis.

Now, with high-end programs and services, you can charge your clients $5,000. Now that reduces your client requirement to less than 12 people.

3. Ask Yourself, “How Am I Going To Sell This?”

This is the time you can maximize your marketing mix and design the funnel that can help you accomplish your objective.

One of my successful marketing strategies is to offer free coaching sessions. I can use offline marketing to do that. In the stage, I can make my offers, including inviting them to take advantage of my free coaching sessions online. In the same manner, I can promote these sessions online. Once they’ve signed up for the offer, they’ll receive a real and a live call from me or any member of my sales team.

When I build my online sales funnel, I use Facebook ads. With Facebook, you can spend less time looking for clients. With the right techniques, you can bring in the right clients, whom you don’t have to chase anymore.

Once they click on the Facebook Ad, they go directly to my sales copy. It may be about my free consultation. Now get this: I can make a video presentation using an offline material. I can record my live events, create clips, and then add them to my copy. Your video doesn’t have to be lengthy. It can be as short as 5 minutes. Isn’t that a smart idea?

This strategy reduces your marketing expenses significantly. What’s more, video presentations provide one of the biggest returns on investment. I have a client who enjoys a return of $3 for every $1 they spend on video marketing. For doing this alone, he can rake in as much as $32,000, and it’s just one sales funnel.

But to make your video presentations work, see to it it’s teaching something and inviting the audience to your free coaching session.

Bonus: Use Facebook Advertising in the Marketing Mix

Use Facebook Advertising In The Marketing Mix | Marketing Mix | How To Diversify Your Marketing To Reach Millions

With offline marketing, the strategy is usually straightforward and simple. You stage a live event or network, sign up some people, and then make your warm calls. That’s it! With online, it’s more complicated. One of the reasons is there are many tactics available.

I have nothing against using YouTube, LinkedIn, and other websites for promotions, but I always encourage my clients to use Facebook marketing. First, it’s simple and easy to understand. Second, it gives you more control over your budget, and this is important since any form of marketing requires a budget. Last, it’s necessary for beginners.

You can always build a business with the help of strategic partners, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, many won’t give you the light of day if you don’t have a list in the first place. With Facebook, you can do that, sell your products and programs, and sign up people to your free coaching session.

Talking about marketing mix reminds me of one client. His name is David. For his program, only five people came, but each paid $5,000. Among them, four people came from a phone call through Facebook marketing. You can marry both and use them to make your marketing life easier, generate the revenues you like, spread your message, and bring in good-quality clients. But, I also know dealing with both can be overwhelming, so for my last piece of advice, pick one thing to start.

How do you do marketing mix for your business? Share your most successful strategies with the community in the comments below.

Up Next: Online Presentation Tips To Get More Clients | Must-Know Trade Secrets

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